Ivan Petuhov Приложения

Equation Step-by-Step Calc 6.0.0
Ivan Petuhov
The equations calculator online (equationsolver) contains the section:This calculator return only anwser, but return ✪ detail step bystep solution ✪ for[✔] A quadratic equations[✔] A simplest trigonometric equations[✔] A equation with a module (for example, |x + 1| + |x^2 – 7| =20)The Supported:[✔] Supported all math symbols and functions. For example: sin(x),cos(x), exp(x), tan(x), ctan(x) and other.[✔] Suported complex variables (solve complex equations)Solve any equation types, such as:[✔] linear equations[✔] square (quatratic) and cubic equations[✔] polynomial equations[✔] trigonometric equations[✔] exponential equations[✔] logarithmic equations[✔] equations with complex numbers[✔] and otherThe Calculator contain several features:[✔] Numeric solutions for unsolvable equations (such as cos(x) =x^3 - x + 2)[✔] Several examples[✔] Сorrect input expression errors (for example, you enterx^2-x+1/x - 1=0 or e^-x^2=5)
Differential Equations NO ADS 1.0.0
Ivan Petuhov
The full copy of DifferentialEquationsStep-By-Step Calculator, but with disable ads.Free app here:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.krapp.diffequals
Integral Step-By-Step NO ADS 1.0.0
Ivan Petuhov
The full copy of IntegralStep-By-StepCalculator, but with disable ads.Free app here:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.krapp.integral
Equation Step-By-Step NO ADS 1.0.0
Ivan Petuhov
The full copy of EquationStep-By-StepCalculator, but with disable ads.Free app here:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.krapp.equals
Derivative Step-By-Step NO ADS 1.0.0
Ivan Petuhov
The full copy of DerivativeStep-By-StepCalculator, but with disable ads.Free app here:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.krapp.derivative
OLD Inequality Calc [see new i 2.1.0
Ivan Petuhov
Solve a inequality and easy to read + plot solution of inequationon the graph
Scale Calc 1.2.0
Ivan Petuhov
Enter a value (for example, 10 cm), which must be converted to aanother scale
OLD Complex numbers [see new i 7.0.2
Ivan Petuhov
Online calculator: Symbolic complex numbers operatons with detailedsolution
OLD of Graph plotter[see new i 7.0.3
Ivan Petuhov
It allows you to explore a function with graph making and detaileddecision
OLD Sum of Series [see new in 7.0.0
Ivan Petuhov
Sum of Series Calculator Online
OLD Fourier series [see new in 7.0.0
Ivan Petuhov
Help you to expand a function in Fourier Series at a interval
OLD Taylor series [see new in 7.0.0
Ivan Petuhov
Help you to expand a function in Taylor Series at the point
Sum of Series 7.0.0
Ivan Petuhov
Calculator of sum of series online solve: [✔] The sum of thepowerseries [✔] The sum of the numeric range [✔] The sum of finiteandinfinite series [✔] Checking of convergence of the series [✔]Thenumerical answer of the sum Support: [✔] Supportedfactorialsexpressions: n! or factorial(n) [✔] Supported all mathsymbols andfunctions. For example: sin(n), cos(n), exp(n), tan(n),ctan(n),sqrt(n) and other. [✔] Suported complex variables [✔] Avariety ofarguments and options: n, a, b, c and etc. The Calculatorcontainseveral features: [✔] Several examples [✔] Сorrect inputexpressionerrors Examples of sum of series: 1/n^2 n^2/n!sin(n)/(n!)^3
Complex numbers calculator 7.0.2
Ivan Petuhov
Online calculator: Symbolic complex numbers operatons with detailedsolution
OLD Math Logic Calc [see new i 1.0.1
Ivan Petuhov
Math Logic Calc simplify any logic expressions
Limits Step-by-Step Calculator 7.0.5
Ivan Petuhov
Limits of function calculator solves explicitly for > 80% ofexpressions
Derivative Step-By-Step Calc 7.0.0
Ivan Petuhov
Derivative Step-By-Step online cloud based calculator
Differential Equations Steps 7.0.1
Ivan Petuhov
Online differential equations calculator
OLD Differential Eq [see new i 7.0.3
Ivan Petuhov
Online differential equations calculator
Old Of Limits Calculator [see new version below] 7.0.4
Ivan Petuhov
You should use new version of limitcalculator:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.krapp2.limits
OLD Integral Cal [see new in d 7.0.4
Ivan Petuhov
Calculus integral
OLD Derivative Calc [see new i 7.0.3
Ivan Petuhov
Derivative Step-By-Step online cloud based calculator
Degrees Calculator 4.0.0
Ivan Petuhov
Degrees addition and subtraction calculator and other
Inequality Steps-By-Step Calc 2.1.0
Ivan Petuhov
Inequation calculator online helps: [✔] Solve a inequality ofanycomplexity [✔] To see solution of the equation on thegraphSupported: [✔] Supported all math symbols and functions.Forexample: sin(x), cos(x), exp(x), tan(x), ctan(x), sqrt(x)andother. [✔] A variety of arguments and options: x, y, n, a, b, candetc. The Calculator contain several features: [✔] Severalexamples[✔] Сorrect input expression errors Examples ofinequations: x^2 -x > 1 |x-5| - |x-2| > 4
Integral Step-By-Step Calc 7.0.5
Ivan Petuhov
Calculus a indefinite, a definite or a improper integral
Math Logic Calculator 1.0.1
Ivan Petuhov
Math Logic Calc simplify any logic expressions
OLD of Equation Calc[see new i 6.0.0
Ivan Petuhov
Solve single equation with cloud server
OLD Equation System [see new i 1.0.1
Ivan Petuhov
Symbolic solution of systems of equations, for systems of linearwith detailed
Equation Step-by-Step Calc 1.0.0
Ivan Petuhov
Solve single equation with cloud server
Taylor series 7.0.0
Ivan Petuhov
Help you to expand a function in Taylor Series at the point